Found 147 matching results
All change at the top for the West Midlands Rail Executive
Wednesday 26 Jun 2019
The West Midlands Rail Executive (WMRE) has appointed a new chair to lead the organisation through the continued investment and transformation of the region's ra…
Steam engine rolls into Moor Street Station to launch new Vintage Trains partnership
Wednesday 12 Jun 2019
Historic steam engines are set to play a greater role in the region's rail network following the signing of a ground-breaking new partnership. The West Midlands …
House of Lords report on HS2 ignores benefits for the Midlands
Friday 17 May 2019
Both Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) and the West Midlands Rail Executive (WMRE) are disappointed by the new House …
Significant improvements for passengers when electric trains are introduced between Walsall and Rugeley
Friday 10 May 2019
There will be significant improvements to train services between Walsall and Rugeley this May, as electric trains star…
Lock-making heritage is key to Black Country railway station designs, say residents
Thursday 09 May 2019
New rail stations in the Black Country could receive an artistic makeover, after residents said they wanted to see the region's proud manufacturing heritage refl…
Residents call for JRR Tolkien inspired artwork in Camp Hill rail line consultation
Friday 03 May 2019
A Lord of the Rings-themed railway station is among ideas to be put forward for the new Camp Hill Rail line. Details o…