Station naming

Thank you for helping us choose the names of your new local railway station. Over 6,000 residents completed our online survey and gave their views on the names of the two new stations in Moseley and Stirchley.
The result
We're excited to announce the stations will be called Moseley Village and Pineapple Road.
The responses
For the Moseley-based station, we had 5,944 responses. 55% of which were in favour of Moseley Village, and 45% for Moseley.
The majority of those who picked Moseley Village did so because it was both nicer and better reflected the location.
For the Stirchley-based station, we had 5,855 responses with 48% backing Pineapple Road, 30% Stirchley and 22% Hazelwell.
The Pineapple Road supporters thought it was memorable and better explained where the station is located than the alternatives.
The project
Survey work to inform the station designs are underway and construction is due to start later this year.
Kings Heath, Moseley Village and Pineapple Road stations will provide faster, more reliable transport for people who live or work in the area. They will also reduce congestion and pollution.